Tuesday 5 February 2013

In the beginning, there is war, a war between paints glues clippers and files

So here we are. I am a former Codex Ork player dating back to 3rd edition. After playing multiple games with the army i have at 6th edition to which my w/l ration was about 60% out side of tournaments (to which I never did enter). My issue with the new rules was thus, it is designed for shooting armies which we all know Orks are not.So i set about reading the history of some of the first founding Legions of Space Marines.

After weeks of reading, and discarding the lesser in my opinion chapters that don't follow the Codex Astartes, I settled for the Imperial Fists. the amount of data on the Fists, is amazing and highly detailed.

So. Having picked my army, and having read their history, one thing is obvious, they excel at siege. Whether is is on the defense or offence. And I wanted this prominent in my army. So I picked up some basics. Vindicators, Predator, some Dreadnoughts, Snipers, a Techmarine, and some Tactical Squads.

Now having assembled everything, I decided to add all this up and the total army cost was 1250 pts, a little short of my local tournaments for singles, so I decided to make it a defensive army and added an aegis defense line and 3 attack bikes (yes yes I know attack bikes aren't exactly defensive but I figured some mobility in my anti tank support is warranted.)

As of the 5th of February I have started this blog, and began the undercoating of my forces, starting with the 600 point doubles tournament which consists of 10 Tactical Marines, 5 Scout Snipers, Tech Marine and Servitor, and a Vindicator. 

The Plan from here is to finish spraying and then upload pics of each stage etc. If all goes to plan that is.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing your army as it gets painted, good luck with the yellow!
